Showing 29 results
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- ArticleRecycling carbon emissions with electrochemical reduction
- ArticleThe arctic climate crisis and its ‘chilling’ implications
- Article‘Greening’ silicon production for a future with net zero emissions
- ProjectWhat the UK can do to reach ‘net zero’ greenhouse gas emissions
- ArticleReaching net zero: To recycle CO₂ or not?
- ArticleGhosted coal mines and their use for sustainable energy
- ArticleGlobal public perception about climate change policies
- ArticleHelping data centers become carbon neutral with novel microchannel heat sinks
- ArticleOverhauling public transport to ‘spark’ the use of electric and low-emission vehicles
- ArticleImproving current green energy technology so it is a realistic alternative to fossil fuels
- ArticleHydrogen storage systems for renewable energy in Scotland’s farms
- ArticleClimate finance recommendations to achieve global carbon neutrality
- ArticlePractices to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions in the agriculture sector
- ArticleAnalyzing natural and human Influences on forest CO2 absorption
- ArticleHow do we plan for a future with an energy scarcity ?
- ArticleClimate change mitigation through chemical recycling of carbon emissions
- ArticleGiving people an energy ‘allowance’ – will it work?
- ArticleLife Cycle Impact and Cost Assessment of Wastewater Plants in Thailand
- ArticleSocio-Economic Analysis of Waste Disposal Strategies
- ArticleNegative emissions technologies for climate goals: How far successful?
- ArticleSimple steps each of us can take to live more sustainably
- ArticleCombating climate change through green finances
- ArticleEight ways in which the United States can realistically become carbon neutral
- ArticleCarbon storing capacity of North Pacific Eelgrass
- ArticleThe costs of biofuel currency minted through deforestation
- ArticleCross-border Cooperation: Gearing up against climate change
- ArticleFactors influencing climate vulnerability of conflict-affected states
- ArticleHarnessing breakwaters for renewable energy: Technologies and challenges
- ArticleHow climate change will affect our health and what we can do about it
We are grateful to our sponsors for making the Climate Change Knowledge Cooperative possible, and for their commitment to supporting research that helps develop our understanding of climate change and the difference we can all make.