
  1. Article
    Cost effective stormwater management strategies in response to climate change and urbanization
  2. Article
    Harnessing breakwaters for renewable energy: Technologies and challenges
  3. Article
    Considering climate for future urban rainfall projection and flood management
  4. Article
    Considering climate change in a new framework to evaluate structural aging
  5. Article
    Building community resilience by designing better interconnected infrastructure systems
  6. Article
    Analyzing infrastructure resilience using a high-level methodology
  7. Article
    Determining rainfall estimates to plan better in the face of climate change.
  8. Article
    Climate change creates new risks to dam safety
  9. Article
    Toward cyclable cities: An alternative urban development strategy
  10. Article
    Role of sustainability assessment tools in creating low carbon cities and district
  11. Article
    Unique features of tropical cyclones in Southeast China can help examine wind profile
  12. Article
    Impact of sea level rise on coastal flooding in the Chesapeake Bay
  13. Article
    What makes energy efficient buildings successful?
  14. Article
    Incorporating climate-change related risks in transport asset management
  15. Article
    Resilient approaches to managing the impact of climate change
  16. Article
    Evaluating the challenges of flood prediction and mitigation
  17. Article
    Considering climate change to develop safer infrastructure
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    Evaluating levee performance in view of climate change
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    Resilience planning to combat forced power outages with machine learning
  20. Article
    Training our engineers to reduce environmental impact
  21. Article
    Can carbon dioxide injection control the spread of aquatic invasive species ?
  22. Article
    Effects of climate change on flexible pavements in Canada
  23. Article
    River-crossing bridges on climate change: risk and resilience
  24. Article
    Built for Change: Combating climate change with smart sustainable homes
  25. Article
    Can local extreme events be attributed to global warming ?