What is it about?

The study analyzed 139 scientific documents indexed in the Web of Science database during that period to understand the evolution and current state of research on technostress among teachers. The study highlights the need for more empirical research on technostress in educational contexts, especially considering its adverse effects on teachers' mental health.

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Why is it important?

Research has shown that technostress can lead to reduced productivity, job performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment among workers, including teachers. This can ultimately impact the quality of education provided to students. Technostress can blur the boundaries between work and personal life for teachers, leading to work-family conflicts and reduced life satisfaction. Addressing this issue is important for maintaining a healthy work-life balance in the teaching profession. By understanding technostress, better strategies can be developed to improve teachers' digital competencies and confidence in using educational technologies


The study of teacher technostress has gained significant importance in recent years, especially since 2015 and even more so during the COVID-19 pandemic. This indicates it is an emerging and increasingly relevant field of research. While education is the primary field studying teacher technostress, the research is dispersed across various disciplines, including health sciences. This suggests a need for more focused research within education. The authors suggest a need for more empirical research on technostress in educational contexts, especially considering its adverse effects on teachers' mental health.

Fermín Torrano Montalvo
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Bibliometric Study and Network Mapping of Teacher Technostress Between 1992-2022, Comunicar, January 2024, Oxbridgepublishinghouse,
DOI: 10.58262/v32i78.1.
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