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  1. Bibliometric Study and Network Mapping of Teacher Technostress Between 1992-2022
  2. Families' perceptions about the use and integration of tablets in schools: The case of Spain
  3. Study of the Prevalence of Burnout in University Professors in the Period 2005–2020
  4. Do psychosocial factors mediate the appearance of musculoskeletal symptoms?
  5. Occupational health and safety management systems
  6. Influence of contracting conditions on absenteeism
  7. Estudio de los factores de riesgo psicosocial en profesoras de universidades online
  8. Analysis of Stress Factors for Female Professors at Online Universities
  9. New Patterns of Information and Communication Technologies Usage at Work and Their Relationships with Visual Discomfort and Musculoskeletal Diseases: Results of a Cross-Sectional Study of Spanish Organizations
  10. Hacia el Mobile-Learning en la escuela: análisis de factores críticos en el uso de las tablets en centros educativos españoles
  11. Virtual Reality-based Assessment and Rating Scales in ADHD Diagnosis
  12. El aprendizaje autorregulado: presente y futuro de la investigación
  13. Aprendizaje autorregulado: estado de la cuestión y retos psicopedagógicos
  14. Relations between mental workload and decision-making in an organizational setting
  15. Diferencias de género y aprendizaje autorregulado: el efecto del rendimiento académico previo
  16. An approach to selt-regulated learning in secondary education students