AOAC SMPR 2016.017:Standard Method Performance Requirements (SMPRs)for Quantitative Measurement of Vitamin B12 in Dietary Supplements and Ingredients
Richard van Breemen, J Betz, Lisa Evans, April Hall, Martha Jennens, Rachel Kreider, Adam Kuszak, Elizabeth Mudge, Punam Patel, Catherine Rimmer, Brian T Schaneberg, Anand Sheshadri, Aniko M Solyom, John Szpylka, Denise Lowe Walters, Tyler White, Jinchuan Yang, Kurt Young, Garrett Zielinski, Scott G Coates
Journal of AOAC International, January 2017, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.5740/jaoacint.smpr2016.017