What is it about?

This article analyzes the perceptions of Spanish families regarding the use and integration of tablets in primary and secondary schools. The study concludes that while schools are making efforts to integrate tablets, from the families' perspective this has not led to substantial changes in education practices or outcomes so far. The authors note the importance of including families' views when evaluating technological changes in education, as they play a critical role in the process.

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Why is it important?

The article provides insights into families' perspectives on tablet use in schools, which is a critical but often overlooked aspect of educational technology integration. As key stakeholders, families' views can significantly impact the success of technology initiatives in education. The study comes at an opportune time, about 10 years after the widespread introduction of tablets in schools, allowing for a more mature assessment of their impact beyond initial adoption phases


The article presents a nuanced view of tablet integration in Spanish schools from the families' perspective, suggesting that while efforts are being made, substantial changes in education practices or outcomes are not yet widely perceived by parents.

Fermín Torrano Montalvo
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Percepciones de las familias respecto al uso e integración de las Tablets en los centros educativos: el caso de España, Estudios pedagógicos (Valdivia), January 2022, SciELO Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica Y Tecnologica (CONICYT),
DOI: 10.4067/s0718-07052022000300025.
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