What is it about?

Based on qualitative interviews with people who were satisfied and unsatisfied with their use of time, we identified four main themes - 1) having enjoyable and meaningful daily activities; 2) having a balance between different life spheres (such as life and work); 3) feeling that one doesn't waste one's time and uses it efficiently; 4) feeling of being in control of one's time and having enough of it for the things that one chooses. We also developed a questionnaire to measure positive time use.

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Why is it important?

We found that the using one's time well is more characteristic of people who have a balanced time perspective and use time management practices. Positive time use explains their effects on well-being. Time management practices are most effective for future-oriented people, but they only make us happier if they help use our time in more meaningful ways, in line with our true life priorities.


As both co-authors, we took our own questionnaire just for fun and we were extremely surprised at how clearly it has revealed both our strong sides and the different problems that we both have with respect to time use in our own lives.

Dr Evgeny N. Osin
Universite Paris-Nanterre

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Positive time use: a missing link between time perspective, time management, and well-being, Frontiers in Psychology, February 2024, Frontiers,
DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1087932.
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