Exome sequencing of a colorectal cancer family reveals shared mutation pattern and predisposition circuitry along tumor pathways
Suleiman H. Suleiman, Mahmoud E. Koko, Wafaa H. Nasir, Ommnyiah Elfateh, Ubai K. Elgizouli, Mohammed O. E. Abdallah, Khalid O. Alfarouk, Ayman Hussain, Shima Faisal, Fathelrahamn M. A. Ibrahim, Maurizio Romano, Ali Sultan, Lawrence Banks, Melanie Newport, Francesco Baralle, Ahmed M. Elhassan, Hiba S. Mohamed, Muntaser E. Ibrahim
Frontiers in Genetics, September 2015, Frontiers
DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2015.00288