Variability of effects of spatial climate data aggregation on regional yield simulation by crop models
H Hoffmann, G Zhao, LGJ van Bussel, A Enders, X Specka, C Sosa, J Yeluripati, F Tao, J Constantin, H Raynal, E Teixeira, B Grosz, L Doro, Z Zhao, E Wang, C Nendel, KC Kersebaum, E Haas, R Kiese, S Klatt, H Eckersten, E Vanuytrecht, M Kuhnert, E Lewan, R Rötter, PP Roggero, D Wallach, D Cammarano, S Asseng, G Krauss, S Siebert, T Gaiser, F Ewert
Climate Research, September 2015, Inter-Research Science Center
DOI: 10.3354/cr01326