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  1. Genetic yield gains of winter wheat in Germany over more than 100 years (1895-2007) under contrasting fertilizer applications
  2. Human Water Use Impacts on the Strength of the Continental Sink for Atmospheric Water
  3. Two-thirds of global cropland area impacted by climate oscillations
  4. Climate change effect on wheat phenology depends on cultivar change
  5. The implication of input data aggregation on up-scaling soil organic carbon changes
  6. Global Relationships between Cropland Intensification and Summer Temperature Extremes over the Last 50 Years
  7. Weather impacts on crop yields - searching for simple answers to a complex problem
  8. The food-energy-water nexus: Transforming science for society
  9. Heat stress is overestimated in climate impact studies for irrigated agriculture
  10. The use of food imports to overcome local limits to growth
  11. Climate and management interaction cause diverse crop phenology trends
  12. The world’s road to water scarcity: shortage and stress in the 20th century and pathways towards sustainability
  13. Improved estimation of nitrogen uptake in grasslands using the nitrogen dilution curve – reply to the letter to the editor by Lemaire and Gastal, 2016
  14. Evaluating the precision of eight spatial sampling schemes in estimating regional means of simulated yield for two crops
  15. Impact of Spatial Soil and Climate Input Data Aggregation on Regional Yield Simulations
  16. Diet change and food loss reduction: What is their combined impact on global water use and scarcity?
  17. Simulating canopy temperature for modelling heat stress in cereals
  18. Causes and trends of water scarcity in food production
  19. Effect of weather data aggregation on regional crop simulation for different crops, production conditions, and response variables
  20. Variability of effects of spatial climate data aggregation on regional yield simulation by crop models
  21. The implication of irrigation in climate change impact assessment: a European-wide study
  22. Simulation of the phenological development of wheat and maize at the global scale
  23. The limits of increasing food production with irrigation in India
  24. Improved estimation of nitrogen uptake in grasslands using the nitrogen dilution curve
  25. Impact of data resolution on heat and drought stress simulated for winter wheat in Germany
  26. A global data set of the extent of irrigated land from 1900 to 2005
  27. Intensity of heat stress in winter wheat—phenology compensates for the adverse effect of global warming
  28. Demand for multi-scale weather data for regional crop modeling
  29. Leverage points for improving global food security and the environment
  30. Diet change—a solution to reduce water use?
  31. Importance of canopy temperature data for crop heat stress assessments
  32. Future crop production threatened by extreme heat
  33. Combined effects of fertilization and climate on pearl millet yield
  34. Water footprints of cities
  35. Historical Analysis of Global Food Availability
  36. Adaptation to climate change by crop substitution
  37. Global analysis of crop water productivity
  38. Water footprints of cities
  39. Global food supply chain losses and their impacts on freshwater, cropland, and fertiliser use
  40. Changes in crop phenology under climate change
  41. Comparative advantages for maize, oat, and wheat cropping under climate change
  42. Impact of water withdrawals on continental water storage variations
  43. Impact of virtual water flows on water scarcity in Central Asia
  44. Spatio-temporal patterns of phenological development in Germany
  45. Exploring global irrigation patterns: A multilevel modelling approach
  46. Solutions for a cultivated planet
  47. Groundwater use for irrigation – a global inventory
  48. Anthropogenic transformation of the biomes, 1700 to 2000
  49. Groundwater use for irrigation – a global inventory
  50. Global Patterns of Cropland Use Intensity
  51. Quantifying blue and green virtual water contents in global crop production as well as potential production losses without irrigation
  52. MIRCA2000—Global monthly irrigated and rainfed crop areas around the year 2000: A new high‐resolution data set for agricultural and hydrological modeling
  53. Use of a tri-axial accelerometer for automated recording and classification of goats’ grazing behaviour
  54. Filling the voids in the SRTM elevation model — A TIN-based delta surface approach
  55. Climate and irrigation water use of a mountain oasis in northern Oman
  56. Development and validation of the global map of irrigation areas
  57. Nutrient cycling and field-based partial nutrient balances in two mountain oases of Oman
  58. Development and validation of the global map of irrigation areas
  59. A comparison of global spatial distributions of nitrogen inputs for nonpoint sources and effects on river nitrogen export
  60. Agricultural, architectural and archaeological evidence for the role and ecological adaptation of a scattered mountain oasis in Oman
  61. Non‐destructive dry matter estimation of Alhagi sparsifolia vegetation in a desert oasis of Northwest China
  62. Non-destructive dry matter estimation of Alhagi sparsifolia vegetation in a desert oasis of Northwest China
  63. Development and testing of the WaterGAP 2 global model of water use and availability
  64. Global estimates of water withdrawals and availability under current and future “business-as-usual” conditions
  65. Global modeling of irrigation water requirements