What is it about?

This research investigates the motivations and challenges faced by entrepreneurs in Vietnam's public relations industry. It examines why these founders start their businesses, the obstacles they encounter during growth, and the strategies they use to manage and expand their firms. Through in-depth interviews with PR agency founders, the study finds that many entrepreneurs are driven by external circumstances, such as unsatisfactory employment or peer pressure, rather than a strong desire for growth. These founders often prefer to keep their businesses small and manageable, focusing on sustainable growth rather than rapid expansion. The research highlights the importance of both industry-specific skills and business management abilities in overcoming the challenges of running a PR agency.

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Why is it important?

This study is unique and timely because it sheds light on the specific motivations and growth strategies of PR entrepreneurs in Vietnam, a rapidly developing market with a high rate of business failure. Understanding the challenges and motivations of these entrepreneurs can provide valuable insights for new business owners and policymakers aiming to support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the PR industry. The findings emphasize the need for better management training and support systems to help PR startups navigate the complexities of business growth, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and dynamic industry.

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Motivations and Challenges in Small Business Start-ups: A Glance at Vietnam’s Public Relations Industry, Athens Journal of Business & Economics, December 2022, Athens Institute for Education and Research ATINER,
DOI: 10.30958/ajbe.9-1-6.
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