KLF10gene expression is associated with high fetal hemoglobin levels and with response to hydroxyurea treatment in β-hemoglobinopathy patients
Joseph Borg, Marios Phylactides, Marina Bartsakoulia, Christina Tafrali, Carsten Lederer, Alexander E Felice, Adamantia Papachatzopoulou, Alexandra Kourakli, Eleana F Stavrou, Soteroula Christou, Jun Hou, Sophia Karkabouna, Christina Lappa-Manakou, Zeliha Özgur, Wilfred van IJcken, Marieke von Lindern, Frank G Grosveld, Marianthi Georgitsi, Marina Kleanthous, Sjaak Philipsen, George P Patrinos
Pharmacogenomics, October 2012, Future Medicine
DOI: 10.2217/pgs.12.125