What is it about?

It can be noticed that the aesthetics of Brazilian television news programmes are predominantly whitened and, consequently, there is very little ethnic diversity in these programmes, which contrasts greatly with the country’s very diverse ethnic composition. Within this context, the present study investigates the phenomenon of low participation of Black journalists as presenters and anchors of the country’s major TV news programmes to quantify this participation and also discuss their determinant factors.

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Why is it important?

The content analysis conducted on 27 TV news programmes from 07 TV channels allowed to disover that the participation of Black professionals as presenters or news anchor has reached just 6.15%, whereas white professionals represents 93.85%. Therefore, the results of the study reveal that the over-exposition of one ethnic group characterises a condition of high asymmetry of social representation.


This study contributes to a critical perception regarding an umbalaced imagetic construction in Brazilian society and its adverse societal impacts on ethnic minority individuals. Furthermore, the results of the research also represent supporting resource for the deepening of the debate around the phenomenon analyzed and the search for alternatives to change this scenario.

Dr Luiz Valerio P. Trindade
IPIE - International Panel on the Information Environment

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Análise de ausência de diversidade étnica nos telejornais brasileiros (Assessment of the Lack of Ethnic Diversity on Brazilian Television News Programmes), SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2011, Elsevier,
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3357478.
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