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  1. Stereptypes of Black characters in movie productions
  2. 'Myth of racial democracy' and whitening ideology in Brazilian society
  3. Racialized urban violence and police brutality in Brazil
  4. The interplay between disability and disparagement hourmor on social media
  5. The ethical challenges of diversifying genomic data
  6. Book Review | When the hood comes off: racism and resistance in the digital age
  7. It is imperative to talk about the regulation of social media platforms
  8. The state-of-the art in the discipline of critical social media and internet studies
  9. Book Review | Played out: the race man in twenty-first-century satire
  10. The powerful political symbology of Black female hair on social media
  11. The Silent Takeover of Power by the Far-Right
  12. Disparagement houmor on social media against Black Brazilian women
  13. Longitudinal bibliographic analysis of social representation of Black Brazilians in advertisements
  14. Critical analysis of whitened Brazilian TV news programmes
  15. Analysis of the social roles played by women in TV advertisements
  16. Imagens de indivíduos afrodescendentes em propagandas: análise da presença de estigmas e estereótipos nas formas de representações sociais
  17. Representação Social de Indivíduos Afro-Descendentes em Propagandas: Proposta de um Modelo Explicativo do Fenômeno (Social Representation of Afro-Descendant Individuals in Advertising: Proposto of An Explanatory Model of the Phenomenon)
  18. A longitudinal analysis of social representation of Black Brazilians in magazine ads
  19. Participation and Social Representation of Afro-Descendant Individuals Portrayed on Brazilian Magazines Advertisements: 1968 – 2006