What is it about?

Within the past decade, the world has been experiencing profound changes and complex challenging events such as, for instance, the global financial crisis, human displacement, and mass immigration. In this context, outsider far-right political figures in Brazil, Italy, and the US have emerged to the central political stage and fostered strong nationalistic political discourses on social media which, rather than weaving integration and solidarity amongst peoples, have been encouraging and endorsing further divisionism.

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Why is it important?

We have been witnessing not only the silent takeover of power by the far right but also the emergence of increasingly divided societies where the discourse ‘us’ versus ‘them’ is becoming prevalent. Furthermore, in a strongly binary world, as have been fostered by many political leaders, very little room (if any) is left for diversity to flourish, for greater cooperation, mutual understanding, acceptance and constructive debates.


The silent takeover of power by the far-right political leaders in Brazil, Italy, and the US has been characterised by major progressive political forces failing to see them coming. In other words, ignoring the possibility of their victory has represented a big strategic mistake.

Dr Luiz Valerio P. Trindade
IPIE - International Panel on the Information Environment

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Silent Takeover of Power by the Far-Right, Annals of Social Sciences & Management studies, February 2020, Juniper Publishers,
DOI: 10.19080/asm.2020.05.555653.
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