What is it about?

We set out to analyze the relation between parenting stress of mothers and their life satisfaction as mediated through her general attachment orientation. We put three questions Is parenting stress-life satisfaction link mediated through attachment? Whether the mediation mechanism differ when attachment dimensions of avoidance and anxiety are analyzed? Is the mediation effect sensitive to potential confounding factors? Results revealed that parenting stress-life satisfaction relation is mediated through attachment and that the mediation mechanism is different when anxious or avoidant attachment dimensions are analyzed.

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Why is it important?

That parenting stress-life satisfaction relation is mediated through attachment and that the mediation mechanism is different when anxious or avoidant attachment dimensions are analyzed.


Further studies are needed to indicate which variables included in parenting stress-attachment-life satisfaction model may reduce the mediation effect. This result would be of high value for fields related with attachment-based therapy and health psychology.

Romuald Derbis
University of Opole, Faculty of Social Sciences

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Relations between Parenting Stress, Attachment, and Life Satisfaction in Mothers of Adolescent Children, Polish Journal of Applied Psychology, June 2016, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.1515/pjap-2015-0056.
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