What is it about?

The paper shows how two particular algorithms of local and traffic-responsive control (Zone, ALINEA) can be adapted to simplified conditions corresponding to Slovak freeways. Both control strategies are modelled and simulated using PTV Vissim software, including the module VisVAP. Presented results demonstrate the properties of both control strategies, which are compared mutually as well as with the initial situation in which no control strategy is applied.

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Why is it important?

Freeway networks reach their limits since it is usually impossible to increase traffic volumes by indefinitely extending transport infrastructure through adding new traffic lanes. One of the possible solutions is to use advanced intelligent transport systems, particularly ramp metering systems.


The presented flowchart diagrams can be helpful to anybody dealing with won approach/application.

Professor Ales Janota
University of Zilina

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Ramp - Metering Algorithms Evaluated within Simplified Conditions, December 2017, De Gruyter,
DOI: 10.1515/cee-2017-0015.
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