All Stories

  1. Multiagent Model of Rail-Road Intersection with Connected Vehicles
  2. Human-Robot Motion Control Application with Artificial Intelligence for a Cooperating YuMi Robot
  3. Estimation of the Speed From the Odometer Readings Using Optimized Curve-Fitting Filter
  4. Knowledge System Supporting ITS Deployment
  5. Testing of SLAM methods in the Matlab environment
  6. Parallel Robot Controlled by PLC and its Digital Twin
  8. Road traffic modelling based on the hybrid modelling tool AnyLogic
  9. Implementation of the Extended Kalman Filter using MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox
  10. Sensor fusion for creating a three-dimensional model for mobile robot navigation
  11. Precise localization of the mobile wheeled robot using sensor fusion
  12. Cooperation of the T-shape road intersection and the near railway level crossing
  13. Design of an electronic odometer for DC motors
  14. A visual attention operator for playing Pac-Man
  15. Ramp - Metering Algorithms Evaluated within Simplified Conditions
  16. Control system for the haptic paddle used in mobile robotics
  17. Control of the mobile robot by hand movement measured by inertial sensors
  18. Mutual acoustic identification in the swarm of e-puck robots
  19. Development of a Weight-in-Motion Measurement System with an Optical Sensor
  20. System for Monitoring and Guarding Vehicles on Parking Areas
  21. Intelligent Real-Time MEMS Sensor Fusion and Calibration
  22. Searching for collisions between mobile robot and environment
  23. Classification of the road infrastructure objects based on mobile two-dimensional laser scanning
  24. Ergonomic remote control of the mobile platform by inertial measurement of the hand movement
  25. Internet of Things as Advanced Technology to Support Mobility and Intelligent Transport
  26. Knowledge-Based Approach to Selection of Weight-in-Motion Equipment
  27. Where Is The Smart Transport Going?
  28. Smart Cities as a university common talk: The case of UNIZA
  29. Improving the precision and speed of Euler angles computing from low cost rotation sensor data
  30. Algorithm for Analysis of Road Surface Degradation
  31. Challenges and Unwanted Features of the Smarter Cities Development
  32. Expert System as Prevention of Falls in Medical Centers.
  33. Creating a 3D parking area design via a mobile measurement platform
  34. Fusion of sensory data obtained by different equipment integrated in the mobile measurement platform
  35. How to predict location and for what to use it?
  36. Implementation of data from the mobile measurement platform to VANet application
  37. Road surface measurement and visualization based on data from the laser scanner
  38. 3D surface modeling based on data from the mobile measurement platform
  39. Road Surface Degradation – Measurement and Visualization
  40. Learning Search Algorithms: An Educational View
  41. Algorithm for Surface Creation from a Cloud of Points
  42. Inertial Navigation: Improving Precision and Speed of Euler Angles Computing from MEMS Gyroscope Data
  43. Building a Classifier of Pavement Roughness Measurement Methods and Devices
  44. Exploring Possibilities of Predictive Self-Programming Thermostats for Energy Savings
  45. Using Neural Networks for Route and Destination Prediction in Intelligent Transport Systems
  46. Slovak Level Crossings - Present State and Knowledge-Based Approach to Diagnostics
  47. Petri Net-Based Functional Representation of a Level Crossing
  48. Technical Devices Cooperation to Obtain Data for 3D Environment Modelling
  49. Using Predictive Controller to Control a Nonlinear System
  50. Slovak ETC System Implemented – What Next?
  51. GPS-Based Vehicle Localisation
  52. Present and future challenges of ICT for intelligent transportation technologies and services
  53. Improvement of Road Tunnel Ventilation through Predictive Control
  54. Electronic Toll Collection at Parking Areas
  55. The Use of UML for Development of a Railway Interlocking System