Documenting metrological traceability as intended by ISO 15189:2012: A consensus statement about the practice of the implementation and auditing of this norm element
Marc Thelen, Florent Vanstapel, Pika Meško Brguljan, Bernard Gouget, Guilaine Boursier, Edward Barrett, Christos Kroupis, Maria Lohmander, Luděk Šprongl, Tatjana Vodnik, Francisco Bernabeu-Andreu, Ines Vukasović, Çiğdem Sönmez, Solveig Linko, Duilio Brugnoni, Michel Vaubourdolle, Willem Huisman, Mauro Panteghini
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), December 2018, De Gruyter
DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2018-1212