Reflections on the Cost of "Low-Cost" Whole Genome Sequencing: Framing the Health Policy Debate
Timothy Caulfield, Jim Evans, Amy McGuire, Christopher McCabe, Tania Bubela, Robert Cook-Deegan, Jennifer Fishman, Stuart Hogarth, Fiona A. Miller, Vardit Ravitsky, Barbara Biesecker, Pascal Borry, Mildred K. Cho, June C. Carroll, Holly Etchegary, Yann Joly, Kazuto Kato, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Karen Rothenberg, Pamela Sankar, Michael J. Szego, Pilar Ossorio, Daryl Pullman, Francois Rousseau, Wendy J. Ungar, Brenda Wilson
PLoS Biology, November 2013, PLOS
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001699