What is it about?

Using Love-wave to obtain shear-wave velocity (Vs) for the very shallow when Rayleigh waves failed. Using the HRLRT to: 1. Track fundamental mode to higher frequencies (when the conventional approach failed) and obtain reliable Vs results for shallower parts of the subsurface. 2. Use a shorter spread while still being able to pick the fundamental-mode trend from the larger spread and thus increase the lateral resolution because of the lesser averaging within the spread. 3. Interpret higher modes and apply multi-mode inversion for Vs using, which allowed to: a. increase the vertical resolution by using more layers in the inversion without running into instabilities b. increase the depth of investigation because higher mode can “see” deeper.

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Why is it important?

Show how to obtain Vs when conventional transforms and Rayleigh-wave analysis fail. Show how to improve both horizontal and vertical resolution of surface-wave analysis.


This paper shows several tools that can contribute to the depth range and resolution improvements of the final 2D Vs results.

Dr Julian Ivanov

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Revisiting levees in southern Texas using Love-wave multichannel analysis of surface waves with the high-resolution linear Radon transform, Interpretation, August 2017, Society of Exploration Geophysicists,
DOI: 10.1190/int-2016-0044.1.
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