All Stories

  1. Shallow tunnel detection using converted surface waves
  2. Time-lapse monitoring of stress-field variations within the Lower Permian shales in Kansas
  3. Shallow tunnel detection using SH-wave diffraction imaging
  4. Detecting subsurface objects and identifying voids possibilities using seismic diffractions
  5. Detecting subsurface objects and identifying voids possibilities using the backscatter analysis of surface wave (BASW) method
  6. Love-waves Vs with HRLRT and Multi-modes
  7. Benefits of using the high-resolution linear Radon transform with the multichannel analysis of surface waves method
  8. Impact of density information on Rayleigh surface wave inversion results
  9. Depth estimation of voids using backscattered surface waves
  10. Detecting and delineating voids and mines using surface-wave methods in Galena, Kansas
  11. Introduction to special section: Near-surface imaging and interpretation
  12. Surface-wave methods for anomaly detection
  13. Detecting clandestine tunnels using near-surface seismic techniques
  14. Enhancing fundamental mode interpretation in heterogeneous media: An example from Canoga Park, California
  15. Feasibility of parallel line beamsteering for enhanced tunnel detection
  16. Correlation of the backscatter analysis of surface waves method (BASW) for anomaly detection
  17. Near surface seismic imaging: One size does not fit all
  18. Near-surface salt dissolution void identification using passive MASW
  19. The joint analysis of refractions with surface waves (JARS) method for finding solutions to the inverse refraction problem
  20. Evaluating hazards at salt cavern sites using multichannel analysis of surface waves
  21. Dispersion interpretation from synthetic seismograms and multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW)
  22. Evaluation of extended correlation on shallow Vibroseis data
  23. Shallow P- and S-Wave Reflections to Characterize the Near-Surface
  24. Estimation of near-surface quality factors by constrained inversion of Rayleigh-wave attenuation coefficients
  25. Near‐surface shear‐wave velocity measurements in unlithified sediment
  26. 12. Void Detection Using Near-Surface Seismic Methods
  27. 20. Refraction Nonuniqueness Studies at Levee Sites Using the Refraction-Tomography and JARS Methods
  28. Estimation of near‐surface quality factors by inversion of Rayleigh‐wave attenuation coefficients
  29. Seismic investigations of subsidence hazards
  30. High-frequency Rayleigh-Wave method
  31. Angle‐Dependent Tomostatics
  32. Practical Aspects of MASW Inversion Using Varying Density
  33. Shot Gathers We Have Known
  34. The history of MASW
  35. Refraction tomography mapping of near‐surface dipping layers using landstreamer data at East Canyon Dam, Utah
  36. Some Practical Aspects of MASW Analysis and Processing
  37. Use of Active Source Seismic Surface Waves in Glaciology
  38. Multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW)—active and passive methods
  39. Sensitivity of high‐frequency Rayleigh‐wave data revisited
  40. Joint analysis of refractions with surface waves: An inverse solution to the refraction-traveltime problem
  41. Optimizing Horizontal‐Resolution Improvement of the MASW Method
  42. Time‐lapse seismic study of levees in southern New Mexico
  43. The Inverse Problem of Refraction Travel Times, Part II: Quantifying Refraction Nonuniqueness Using a Three-layer Model
  44. Time‐lapse seismic study of levees in southern Texas
  45. Utilization of high-frequency Rayleigh waves in near-surface geophysics
  46. Imaging dispersion curves of passive surface waves
  47. Increasing horizontal resolution of geophysical models by generalized inversion
  48. Interrogating levees using seismic methods in southern Texas
  49. Seismic Investigation of a Sinkhole on Clearwater Dam
  50. Seismic search for underground anomalies
  51. Filtering Surface Waves
  52. Seismic Investigation of Pavements by MASW Method — Geophone Approach
  53. Feasibility of determiningQof near‐surface materials from Rayleigh waves
  54. Modal Separation Before Dispersion Curve Extraction by MASW Method
  55. Multichannel analysis of surface waves to map bedrock
  56. Using MASW to map bedrock in Olathe, Kansas
  57. High frequency random noise attenuation on shallow seismic reflection data by migration filtering