The complete genome, comparative and functional analysis of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia reveals an organism heavily shielded by drug resistance determinants
Lisa C Crossman, Virginia C Gould, J Maxwell Dow, Georgios S Vernikos, Aki Okazaki, Mohammed Sebaihia, David Saunders, Claire Arrowsmith, Tim Carver, Nicholas Peters, Ellen Adlem, Arnaud Kerhornou, Angela Lord, Lee Murphy, Katharine Seeger, Robert Squares, Simon Rutter, Michael A Quail, Mari-Adele Rajandream, David Harris, Carol Churcher, Stephen D Bentley, Julian Parkhill, Nicholas R Thomson, Matthew B Avison
Genome Biology, January 2008, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1186/gb-2008-9-4-r74