What is it about?

This paper shares how complementary therapies, the involvement of the community with healthcare providers, students, and social workers can access new treatments safely to combine them with conventional health care in ways that this is safe, can be measured, adds value and respects patient preferences.

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Why is it important?

This is important as patients will seek new and untried interventions especially when they are without other options. We suggest making this possible in a way where the care is supervised and complementary and can be researched for the value it adds.


Patients self-manage their care most of the time and when they are criticized for going outside the traditional setting they withdraw and are unlikely to listen to warnings of real harm. When health professionals can respect patient choices and values and work with them both roles can be enhanced and the patient remains committed to their medical relationships.

Amy Price

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Person-Centered Healthcare and Integrated Public Health, Integrative Medicine International, April 2017, Karger Publishers,
DOI: 10.1159/000468151.
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