All Stories

  1. Better together: patient partnership in medical journals
  2. Empathy as a state beyond feeling: a patient and clinician perspective
  3. Perspectives on involvement in the peer-review process: surveys of patient and public reviewers at two journals
  4. Role of supplementary material in biomedical journal articles: surveys of authors, reviewers and readers
  5. SMOOTH (Self-Management of Open Online Trials in Health) analysis found improvements were needed for reporting methods of internet-based trials
  6. Atraumatic (pencil-point) versus conventional needles for lumbar puncture: a clinical practice guideline
  7. Frequency of reporting on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research studies published in a general medical journal: a descriptive study
  8. Collective Conversational Peer Review of Journal Submission: A Tool to Integrate Medical Education and Practice
  9. Epigenetic interventions for brain rejuvenation: anchoring age-related transposons
  10. Abstracts from the NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017
  11. Ferrosenescence: The iron age of neurodegeneration?
  12. Patient and public involvement in the design of clinical trials: An overview of systematic reviews
  13. What does evidence mean? Most languages translate “evidence” into “proof”
  14. Person-centered clinical practice guidelines
  15. Vitamin K supplementation for cystic fibrosis
  16. Mind the Gap Methods: Steps to making Participatory Action Analysis with Citizen Collaborators Work
  17. Medicine that matters to patients integrated for public health
  18. Prioritizing Shared Decision Making
  19. The Obesity–Impulsivity Axis: Potential Metabolic Interventions in Chronic Psychiatric Patients
  20. Self-management open online trials in health [SMOOTH] an analysis of existing online trials [Protocol]
  21. Self-management open online trials in health [SMOOTH] an analysis of existing online trials [Protocol]
  22. Mind the gap in clinical trials: A participatory action analysis with citizen collaborators
  23. Public led online trials and participatory action research: Why do we need them?
  24. Drinking extra water or other non-caloric beverages for promoting weight loss or preventing weight gain
  25. An unfortunate injection
  26. Charity is welcome: The international benefits and pitfalls of peer Review
  27. Creating a database of internet-based clinical trials to support a public-led research programme: A descriptive analysis
  28. Proteomic and epigenomic markers of sepsis-induced delirium (SID)
  29. Evidence-based medicine meets person-centred care: a collaborative perspective on the relationship
  30. Increased water intake to reduce headache: learning from a critical appraisal
  31. institucomparative effectiveness research collaboration and precision medicine
  32. From Dyadic Ties to Information Infrastructures: Care-Coordination between Patients, Providers, Students and Researchers
  33. Delirium from the gliocentric perspective
  34. Neurodegeneration Behind Bars: from Molecules to Jurisprudence
  35. Medical Students Meet User Driven Health Care for Patient Centered Learning in Clinical Medicine
  36. time for person centered research in neuroscience: users driving the change
  37. Single Case Studies as Seeds
  38. Person-centered healthcare in the information age: Experiences from a user driven healthcare network
  39. User Driven Learning
  40. Sarah’s Choice
  41. How Much does Post Discharge Follow-Up Matter?
  42. Handbook of Systems and Complexity in Health
  43. Understanding Clinical Complexity Through Conversational Learning in Medical Social Networks: Implementing User-Driven Health Care
  44. The Letter
  45. Cognitive Rehabilitation Computer Brain Solutions
  46. Traumatic Brain Injury and My Grandparents
  47. Antiepileptic Drugs for Preventing Seizures Following Acute Traumatic Brain Injury
  48. Conversational Learning in Medical Education
  49. Addiction and Drug Dependence
  50. Taking on Lupus
  51. Quick Coherence® Fires Sparks of Genius
  52. Medical Students Meet User Driven Health Care for Patient Centered Learning in Clinical Medicine
  53. Addiction and Drug Dependence