Immunomodulation with Low-Dose Immunoglobulins for Moderate IgA Nephropathy and Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
Guy Rostoker, Guy Rostoker, Dominique Desvaux-Belghiti, Dominique Desvaux-Belghiti, Yannick Pilatte, Yannick Pilatte, Max Petit-Phar, Max Petit-Phar, Claude Philippon, Claude Philippon, Lionel Deforges, Lionel Deforges, Hélène Terzidis, Hélène Terzidis, Liliane Intrator, Liliane Intrator, Chantal André, Chantal André, Serge Adnot, Serge Adnot, Philippe Bonin, Philippe Bonin, Philippe Bierling, Philippe Bierling, Philippe Remy, Philippe Remy, Gilbert Lagrue, Gilbert Lagrue, Philippe Lang, Philippe Lang, Bertrand Weil, Bertrand Weil
January 1995, Karger Publishers
DOI: 10.1159/000188480