All Stories

  1. Clustering Analysis Identified Distinct Clinical Phenotypes among Hemodialysis Patients in Their Immunological Response to the BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine against SARS-CoV-2
  2. Relationship between bone marrow iron load and liver iron concentration in dialysis-associated haemosiderosis
  3. Interest of HIF stabilizers in home dialysis
  4. Cost of Home Dialysis in France
  5. Stage V Chronic Kidney Disease: A plea for Home Dialysis
  6. Financial Barriers to the Optimal Use of Peritoneal Dialysis in France and Europe, as in the United States
  7. Differential Pharmacokinetics of Liver Tropism for Iron Sucrose, Ferric Carboxymaltose, and Iron Isomaltoside: A Clue to Their Safety for Dialysis Patients
  8. Inflammation, Serum Iron, and Risk of Mortality and Cardiovascular Events in Nondialysis CKD Patients
  9. Why and how should we promote home dialysis for patients with end-stage kidney disease during and after the coronavirus 2019 disease pandemic? A French perspective
  10. A dialysis doctor’s memories with COVID-19 disease
  11. Analysis of liver iron concentration in an elderly female undergoing hemodialysis with calcific uremic arteriolopathy does not support the role of iron overload in calciphylaxis: lesson for the clinical nephrologist
  12. Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients
  13. Histological Scores Validate the Accuracy of Hepatic Iron Load Measured by Signal Intensity Ratio and R2* Relaxometry MRI in Dialysis Patients
  14. Hepatic iron load differs strikingly between peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients
  15. What do we learn about the “Anemia Module” of the French language Peritoneal Dialysis ? Interest and Results
  16. Confounding factors of hazards of long-acting ESA
  17. Risk of iron overload with chronic indiscriminate use of intravenous iron products in ESRD and IBD populations
  18. Impact des comorbidités sur la stabilité de l’hémoglobine chez des patients insuffisants rénaux chroniques en hémodialyse, traités par CERA en pratique courante : l’étude MIRIADE
  19. Liver Iron Load Influences Hepatic Fat Fraction in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Dialysis: A Proof of Concept Study
  20. La réalité de la dialyse péritonéale en France : 40 ans après
  21. When should iron supplementation in dialysis patients be avoided, minimized or withdrawn?
  22. L’utilisation de génériques en transplantation : vers des solutions rationnelles et sures !
  23. Re: Further Evidence Supporting the Accuracy of Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Evaluating Iron Load in Dialysis Patients
  24. Iatrogenic iron overload and its potential consequences in patients on hemodialysis
  25. The changing landscape of iron overload disorders at the beginning of the 21st century
  26. Hepatic Iron Load at Magnetic Resonance Imaging Is Normal in Most Patients Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis
  27. HFE gene mutations are not risk factors for iron overload in European hemodialysis patients
  28. Impact of iatrogenic iron overload on the course of hepatitis C in the dialysis population: A plea for caution
  29. Targets for adapting intravenous iron dose in hemodialysis: a proof of concept study
  30. Signal-intensity-ratio MRI accurately estimates hepatic iron load in hemodialysis patients
  31. Intérêt de la dialyse péritonéale dans le traitement de l’insuffisance rénale aiguë de l’adulte : redécouverte d’une modalité complémentaire d’épuration extracorporelle continue
  32. Iatrogenic Iron Overload in Dialysis Patients at the Beginning of the 21st Century
  33. Use of Iron Therapy in Chronic Kidney Disease
  34. Iron management in chronic kidney disease: conclusions from a “Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes” (KDIGO) Controversies Conference
  35. Utilisation des dérivés injectables du fer au cours de la maladie rénale chronique : intérêts, limites et conseils pour un bon usage
  36. Iatrogenic Iron Overload in Dialysis Patients
  37. Reassessment of Iron Biomarkers for Prediction of Dialysis Iron Overload: An MRI Study
  38. Maximal Standard Dose of Parenteral Iron for Hemodialysis Patients: An MRI-Based Decision Tree Learning Analysis
  39. Actualités sur la prise en charge de l’anémie et de la carence martiale du dialysé
  40. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Repercussions of Intravenous Iron Products Used for Iron-Deficiency Anemia and Dialysis-Associated Anemia
  41. Traitement de l’addiction au tabac au cours des maladies rénales chroniques
  42. Hemodialysis
  43. Colloids in Dialytic Refractory Hypotension
  44. Single-Needle Hemodialysis on Native Fistulae
  45. Hemodialysis-associated Hemosiderosis in the Era of Erythropoiesis-stimulating Agents: A MRI Study
  46. Modulation of oxidative stress and microinflammatory status by colloids in refractory dialytic hypotension
  47. Cinacalcet to prevent parathyrotoxic crises in hypercalcaemic patients awaiting parathyroidectomy
  48. Renal Artery Stenosis Evaluation in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: Nonenhanced Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion-Pulse Three-dimensional MR Angiography with Regulated Breathing versus DSA
  49. La technique d’hémodialyse transitoire en uniponcture sur fistules natives : intérêts, limites, risques et précautions
  50. Accuracy and limitations of equations for predicting the glomerular filtration rate during follow-up of patients with non-diabetic nephropathies
  51. Left-Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction as a Risk Factor for Dialytic Hypotension
  52. Improving the Efficiency of Short-Term Single-Needle Hemodialysis
  53. Secretory IgA are elevated in both saliva and serum of patients with various types of primary glomerulonephritis
  54. Quinze pour cent de patients dialysés traités par DPCA/DPA en 2010 : mythe ou réalité ?
  55. Candesartan Cilexetil on Regular Hemodialysis: Inability to Reduce Excessive Thirst, but Good Tolerance and Efficacy in Hypertensive Patients
  56. Smoking cessation guidelines: evidence-based recommendations of the French Health Products Safety Agency
  57. Les traitements médicamenteux du fibrome utérin
  58. Increased intestinal intra‐epithelial T lymphocytes in primary glomerulonephritis
  59. Sch??nlein-Henoch Purpura in Children and Adults
  60. Vascular Hyperpermeability in Nephrotic Edema
  61. Parvovirus B19 and Schönlein-Henoch Purpura in Adults
  62. Imbalances in serum proinflammatory cytokines and their soluble receptors: a putative role in the progression of idiopathic IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and Henoch-Schonlein purpura nephritis, and a potential target of immunoglobulin therapy?
  63. Therapy of IgA Nephropathy
  64. Recurrence of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase deficiency after kidney transplantation
  65. Role of Lipoprotein-Bound NEFAs in Enhancing the Specific Activity of Plasma CETP in the Nephrotic Syndrome
  66. Drug-induced linear IgA disease: target antigens are heterogeneous
  67. A Cost Analysis of the Prevention of End-stage Renal Disease
  68. Therapy of Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy
  69. Renal involvement in toxic epidermal necrolysis
  70. Type I membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and HCV infection
  71. Further identification of human plasma glycoproteins interacting with the galactose-specific lectin Jacalin
  72. Immunomodulation with Low-Dose Immunoglobulins for Moderate IgA Nephropathy and Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
  73. Low Prevalence of Antibodies to Hepatitis C Virus among Adult Patients with Idiopathic Membranoproliferative Type I Glomerulonephritis in France
  74. Prevention of Thrombotic Complications of the Nephrotic Syndrome by the Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Enoxaparin
  75. Split tolerance in chimeric GVH mice
  76. High-Dose Immunoglobulin Therapy for Severe IgA Nephropathy and Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
  77. Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Assessment of Renal Vein Thrombosis in the Nephrotic Syndrome
  78. Histone-Reactive IgA Antibodies in Adult IgA Nephropathy and Other Primary Glomerulonephritis
  79. Long-Term Cyclosporin A Therapy for Severe Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy
  80. Mucosal Immunity in Primary Glomerulonephritis
  81. Proteinuria Selectivity Index -Prognostic Value in Lipoid Nephrosis and Related Diseases
  82. Intravenous IgG for glomerulonephritis and renal function
  83. L'ischémie myocardique silencieuse au cours de l'hémodialyse des insuffisants rénaux chroniques
  84. Heparin Cofactor II in Adult Glomerulopathy and Nephrotic Syndrome
  85. Mucosal Immunity in Primary Glomerulonephritis: II. Study of the Serum IgA Subclass Repertoire to Food and Airborne Antigens
  86. IgA mesangial nephritis, IgA antigliadin antibodies, and coeliac disease
  87. Correspondence
  88. HBV-DNA and Primary Immune Complex Glomerulonephritis
  89. Mucosal Immunity in Adult Primary Glomerulonephritis
  90. Reactivation of Hepatitis B Virus by Corticosteroids in a Case of Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome
  92. IgA Antigliadin Antibodies as a Possible Marker for IgA Mesangial Glomerulonephritis in Adults with Primary Glomerulonephritis
  93. Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: The Prognosis Is Not Linked to the Total Serum IgE Level
  95. IgA antigliadin antibodies detected by ELISA are not an artifact due to lectin-like activity of gliadin
  97. Total and free protein S in nephrotic syndrome
  98. Lack of Antireticulin and IgA Antiendomysium Antibodies in Sera of Patients with Primary IgA Nephropathy Associated with Circulating IgA Antibodies to Gliadin
  100. Cutaneous granuloma over a vitallium plate
  101. An Increase in Circulating IgA Antibodies to Gliadin in IgA Mesangial Glomerulonephritis
  102. High Level of Protein C and Protein S in Nephrotic Syndrome
  103. Is Adult Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome Food Allergy?
  104. Coexistence of Sézary syndrome and dysmyelopoiesis with an excess of myeloblasts