What is it about?

This paper presents a web tool called GamiDOC. This tool helps designers in the design of gameful systems, by providing a design framework based on contextual information and a final gamification design document. Currently, the tool is under development and only one feature is available. We expect to implement all the other features soon (i.e. an open-access database to guide the design phase, a peer-review process for the gameful system designed, and control over the methods for data collection and analysis, a list of user experience questionnaires according to the context, a feature fo the gamification code extrapolation starting from the natural language of the game rules).

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Why is it important?

This tool tries to guide the designers through the full process, from the design to the final evaluation.


Our idea is to let GamiDOC become a reference point in the gamification environment. In fact, we are creating an international consortium from different universities around the world, in order to enhance the community and find different features that can be implemented in GamiDOC from the gamification community for the community.

Simone Bassanelli
Universita degli Studi di Trento

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: GamiDOC: A Tool for Designing and Evaluating Gamified Solutions, November 2022, ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
DOI: 10.1145/3505270.3558345.
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