All Stories

  1. PromptDeck: A No-Code Platform for Modular Prompt Engineering
  2. Designing and Generating Lesson Plans combining Open Educational Content and Generative AI
  3. PolyGloT-UML: A Gamified Framework for Enhancing UML Learning Paths
  4. Gamified Tangible IoT for Education: Exploring Usability in SmartGame
  5. RuleCraft: an End-User Development Hub for Education
  6. Fostering Collaboration and Advancing Research in Software Engineering and Game Development for Serious Contexts
  7. Games and Software Engineering
  8. A tool for gameful systems design
  9. Gamification-based UML learning environment in virtual reality
  10. Papyrus for gamers, let's play modeling
  11. Towards engineering future gameful applications
  12. Ensemble-Based Software Engineering for Modern Computing Platforms
  13. GDF: A Gamification Design Framework Powered by Model-Driven Engineering
  14. Collective Adaptation through Multi-Agents Ensembles
  15. CAptLang