Diet or medication in primary care patients with IBS: the DOMINO study - a randomised trial supported by the Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE Trials Programme) and the Rome Foundation Research Institute
Florencia Carbone, Karen Van den Houte, Linde Besard, Céline Tack, Joris Arts, Philip Caenepeel, Hubert Piessevaux, Alain Vandenberghe, Christophe Matthys, Jessica Biesiekierski, Luc Capiau, Steven Ceulemans, Olivier Gernay, Lydia Jones, Sophie Maes, Christian Peetermans, Willem Raat, Jeroen Stubbe, Rudy Van Boxstael, Olivia Vandeput, Sophie Van Steenbergen, Lukas Van Oudenhove, Tim Vanuytsel, Michael Jones, Jan Tack
Gut, April 2022, BMJ
DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2021-325821