What is it about?

This paper introduces a new airport noise calculation model, RANE, based on fast, flexible and computationally efficient methods. RANE is able to accurately calculate changes in airport noise when the number and/or composition of the aircraft fleet is changed. RANE has been developed for supporting multidisciplinary strategic aviation environmental assessment studies.

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Why is it important?

The main benefit of RANE is the considerable reduction in input data requirements. The reduction in input data can contribute to considerable simplification in multi-disciplinary assessment where there are trade-offs between the different environmental consequences (noise, air quality, and carbon release) of alternative engineering design and air traffic management options. Moreover, RANE is being developed to be coupled with technology evaluators, so that it can be used by the aviation industry to estimate the noise impact of novel aircraft designs.


This paper might be of great interest for those working on the modelling of aviation noise around airports, but also for those working towards the development of novel technologies for reducing aircraft noise.

Dr Antonio J Torija
University of Southampton

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: A model for the rapid assessment of the impact of aviation noise near airports, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, February 2017, Acoustical Society of America (ASA),
DOI: 10.1121/1.4976053.
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