What is it about?
Sintered Ag is silver used to attach semiconductor chip to the chip-carrier. It is touted as one of few possible interconnection technologies which are lead-free (not harmful), when the next generation of chip come to production within the next decade.
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Why is it important?
it discusses the related patents in terms of Ag paste formulation, processes, equipment and future challenges of this technology
It is a comprehensive overview of major players in this field. Such report would cost USD3-5 K. it is available here for FOC, courtesy of my university : )
Dr Kim S Siow
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: Identifying the Development State of Sintered Silver (Ag) as a Bonding Material in the Microelectronic Packaging Via a Patent Landscape Study, Journal of Electronic Packaging, April 2016, ASME International,
DOI: 10.1115/1.4033069.
You can read the full text:
Silver starts to gleam for power electronic packaging
Alphametals is a major supplier for silver paste for die attach applications. This is Mike's take on the direction of this technology
Nano-Ag sintering paste
Indium is another major supplier for Ag paste. Dr Lee (VP Research), a veteran in this area, pitch the importance and viability of this technology
High-Temperature, Pb-free Die-Attach Material
Sintered Ag is one of the contenders for high temperature die attach materials
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