What is it about?

This study aims to produce a novel decision-generating method for cloud model encoding through a model-checking with synthesis technique. The effectiveness of independent decision-making process of the clouds is evaluated based on the quality objective, resource variation, and uncertainty of the system environment.

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Why is it important?

Generating optimal decision codes automatically is a complex and challenging task. There is an increasing need for software systems to be able to manage and execute respective cloud applications independently. However, the existing generating methods are yet to fulfill this rising demand. The proposed approach has shown potential benefits in improving the effectiveness of autonomic cloud decision-generation.


An optimal decision contributes to optimal action. In the cloud context, the decision made is important to ensure a reliable cloud platform for running cloud application. As a result, it will benefit both sides, cloud provider and cloud user. For the cloud provider, it can potentially increase their revenue. For the cloud user, it can maximize positive user experience in accessing cloud applications. Hence, becoming an indicator of a well-managed cloud resource.

Azlan Ismail
Universiti Teknologi MARA

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Synthesizing Pareto Optimal Decision for Autonomic Clouds Using Stochastic Games Model Checking, December 2017, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
DOI: 10.1109/apsec.2017.50.
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