All Stories

  1. Energy efficient task scheduling based on deep reinforcement learning in cloud environment: A specialized review
  2. Integrating OpenAI Gym and CloudSim Plus: A simulation environment for DRL Agent training in energy-driven cloud scaling
  3. Data science technology course: The design, assessment and computing environment perspectives
  4. Data Science Technology Course: The Design, Assessment and Computing Environment Perspectives
  5. Cloud failure prediction based on traditional machine learning and deep learning
  6. A review of microservices autoscaling with formal verification perspective
  7. Survey on Formation Verification for Ensembling Collective Adaptive System
  8. A GUI-driven prototype for synthesizing self-adaptation decision
  9. Energy-driven cloud simulation: existing surveys, simulation supports, impacts and challenges
  10. Performance comparison of java based parallel programming models
  11. Converting from Service Level Agreement to Probabilistic Temporal Logic Specification
  12. Evaluating windowing-based continuous S-transform with neural network classifier for detecting and classifying power quality disturbances
  13. A Review of Energy-aware Cloud Computing Surveys
  14. Optimizing cloud computing self-managed decision-generation process
  15. Evaluating Parallel Self-Organizing Map Processing Using Graphic Processing Unit
  16. Enhancing Parallel Self-organizing Map on Heterogeneous System Architecture
  17. Parallel Self-organizing Map Using Shared Virtual Memory Buffers
  18. Improving coordination of decentralized self-adaptive system in Multi Cloud environments
  19. Decentralized Planning for Self-Adaptation in Multi-cloud Environment
  20. Towards Self-adaptation Planning for Complex Service-Based Systems
  21. Time impact analysis in service level agreements (SLA)
  22. Analyzing Fault-Impact Region of Composite Service for Supporting Fault Handling Process
  23. An offer generation approach to SLA negotiation support in service oriented computing
  24. Towards dynamic formation of temporal constraints for the service level agreements negotiation
  25. Verification of Composite Services with Temporal Consistency Checking and Temporal Satisfaction Estimation
  26. Dynamic Service Selection for Service Composition with Time Constraints