What is it about?

We "asked" cowpea pea plants to find microbes from dry, saline soils of Pakistan to find bacteria that could serve as potential plant growth promoting bacteria.

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Why is it important?

This paper is important because it shows that the soil microbiome, even those in arid, saline environments, can help crop plants grow. Furthermore, the nodule microbiome contains a surprisingly large number of these helpful bacteria indicating that plants select specific "helper" bacteria.


This was a great opportunity to continue a long-standing collaboration with colleagues in Pakistan. The first author spent 6 months in the UCLA lab and gave American students an opportunity to interact from a student in a very different type of environment than California. All of us have to be more global in our thinking about how science can help solve environmental problems and contribute to sustainable agriculture.

Professor Ann M. Hirsch
University of California Los Angeles

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Impact of Soil Salinity on the Cowpea Nodule-Microbiome and the Isolation of Halotolerant PGPR Strains to Promote Plant Growth under Salinity Stress, Phytobiomes Journal, January 2020, Scientific Societies,
DOI: 10.1094/pbiomes-09-19-0057-r.
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