Analysis of a conformational B cell epitope of human thyroid peroxidase: identification of a tyrosine residue at a strategic location for immunodominance
Valérie Estienne, Valérie Estienne, Christine Duthoit, Christine Duthoit, Stéphanie Blanchin, Stéphanie Blanchin, Roland Montserret, Roland Montserret, Josée‐Martine Durand‐Gorde, Josée‐Martine Durand‐Gorde, Martine Chartier, Martine Chartier, Daniel Baty, Daniel Baty, Pierre Carayon, Pierre Carayon, Jean Ruf, Jean Ruf
International Immunology, April 2002, Oxford University Press (OUP)
DOI: 10.1093/intimm/14.4.359