What is it about?

A description of the development , design and preliminary pilot testing of a framework of indicators to measure the quality of occupational therapy services. A multi-step process for implementing the indicators is outlined.

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Why is it important?

Quality measurement is integral to the provision of evidence-informed services that improve health outcomes, optimize the use of health resources and enhance user satisfaction.


This article represents the collaborative work of an international World Federation of Occupational Therapists project team with representation from member countries around the world. Preliminary consultation regarding the quality indicator framework with occupational therapists from 21 countries indicates the tool is useful to identify relevant and useful measures to evaluate the quality of occupational therapy services.

Claudia von Zweck
World Federation of Occupational Therapists

This article represents the culmination of work undertaken by an international project team of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). The indicators were developed through regular discussion and consultation, and sent out for feedback from member countries of the WFOT around the world. Feedback to date has been positive with agreement that the indicators are applicable across a range of contexts and settings.

Associate Professor Helen Buchanan
University of Cape Town

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Development of a Quality Indicator Framework for occupational therapy, World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin, December 2018, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/14473828.2018.1556962.
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