What is it about?
This paper aims to examine salesperson skills, including listening, communication, and adaptive selling, that can enable value co-creation with customers and increase sales performance, while taking into consideration the contingent role of salesperson relationship-enhancing activities.
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Why is it important?
The results show adaptive selling, listening, and communication of salespeople positively impact the behaviors of salespeople to co-create value with customers. The results show that when salespeople co-create value with customers, they will have a positive effect on sales performance. Results show how value co-creation mediates the effects of listening and adaptive selling on sales performance.
Salespeople need to effectively listen to their customers to provide needed solutions by jointly working with them to co-create value. Similarly, a salesperson’s communication and adaptive selling skills have collective impacts that positively contribute to the value co-creation process. Results supplement previous findings in the literature by showing value co-creation holds a positive effect on sales performance at the micro salesperson level. The results offer additional support to the ongoing dialog on the role of a salesperson as a value co-creator.
Dr Omar S. Itani
Univeristy of texas at arlington
Read the Original
This page is a summary of: The Role of Salespeople in Value Co-Creation and Its Impact on Sales Performance, Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, October 2021, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/1051712x.2021.2012079.
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