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The COVID-19 pandemic presented many global challenges, placing unprecedented pressure on health services. Currently, there is limited qualitative research exploring the ‘felt’ impact of the pandemic on older adults’ health experiences and wider social life. Here, we report on the embodied experiences of older adults (65 and above), before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in the UK, to chart the physical, social, and mental-health challenges. Our results highlight how older adults reported the felt benefits of increased physical activity during lockdowns, but also the negative impacts of treatment delays on experiences of hospital services. Participants also recounted how new social community connections were forged during lockdowns. We identified a need to support older adults with modern technology so as to capture its potential to modernise, expand, and personalise healthcare within UK health services.

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This page is a summary of: ‘At least you got to see people when you went out for a walk’: older adults’ lived, embodied experiences during COVID-19 times in the United Kingdom, Qualitative Research in Sport Exercise and Health, July 2024, Taylor & Francis,
DOI: 10.1080/2159676x.2024.2382430.
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