What is it about?

Light driven nanomotors that can clean water are important for environemtnal remediation. We have shown gold and molybdenum based SOMs propel with visible light with high speed and can remove organic pollutants. We have used microscopy and spectroscopy to demonstrate the motion and efficacy of these moving SOMs in remediation of organic pollutants.

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Why is it important?

Our findings show the possibility of cleaning up water pollution using an inexpensive material (like SOM) and a renewable resource like light in a very short time. The work can be particularly relevant for remediation of environment in emerging economies with limited resource and high pressure of pollution.


We are a relatively new entrant to the field of active matter. Hence with every attempt to publish an article in this area we learn a lot. We started out making SOM based active matter with chemical fuels and in this work we wanted to use a renewable resource to fuel the motion. Water oxidation was the way forward. We coupled it with organic oxidation and were rewarded with the possibility of using our system for environmental remediation. The article also got highlighted in popular press and we were contacted by agencies involved with environmental remediation, which is truly rewarding. I hope you can pick up our concept, scale it up and if interested take it further forward.

Professor Soumyajit Roy
Indian Institute of Science Education & Research Kolkata

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Visible light driven catalytic gold decorated soft-oxometalate (SOM) based nanomotors for organic pollutant remediation, Nanoscale, January 2018, Royal Society of Chemistry,
DOI: 10.1039/c8nr03534b.
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