All Stories

  1. Molecular cobalt corrole complex for the heterogeneous electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide
  2. Light Driven Water Oxidation Coupled With C-N Coupling Reaction Using a Hybrid Cu-PW12 O40 Based Soft-Oxometalate
  3. Reply to the ‘Comment on “Photochemical reduction of carbon dioxide coupled with water oxidation using various soft-oxometalate (SOM) based catalytic systems”’ by T. Liu, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2019, 7, DOI: 10.1039/c9ta03809d
  4. Selective Photocatalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction by a Reduced Molybdenum-Based Polyoxometalate Catalyst
  5. Inexpensive Design of a Bio-Chip for Disease Diagnostics: Molecular Biomarker Sensing Microchip Patterned from a Soft Oxometalate-Perylene-Based Hybrid Composite using Thermo-Optical Laser Tweezers
  6. How do polyoxometalates (POMs) crystallize? Is it from colloidal soft-oxometalates (SOMs)?
  7. Redox Reaction Triggered Nanomotors Based on Soft-Oxometalates With High and Sustained Motility
  8. Visible-Light-Driven Carbon Dioxide Reduction Coupled with Water Oxidation by a Composite Soft-Oxometalate (SOM) System
  9. Selective light driven reduction of CO2 to HCOOH in water using a {MoV9}n (n = 1332–3600) based soft-oxometalate (SOM)
  10. Making Soft-oxometalates (SOMs) move with Light to Clean Water
  11. Light-driven carbon dioxide reduction coupled with conversion of acetylenic group to ketone by a functional Janus catalyst based on keplerate {Mo132}
  12. Medicinal Applications of Metal Nanoparticles
  13. Softoxometalate [{K6.5Cu(OH)8.5(H2O)7.5}0.5@{K3PW12O40}]n (n = 1348–2024) as an Efficient Inorganic Material for CO2 Reduction with Concomitant Water Oxidation
  14. A Stimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Hydrogel for Controlled Release of Drug
  15. Light driven decarboxylative cross coupling of acrylic acid and iodobenzene using [Mo 132 ] type keplerate as a catalyst
  16. Photochemical Water Oxidation Using {PMo12O40@Mo72Fe30}n Based Soft Oxometalate
  17. In situ self-assembly and photopolymerization for hetero-phase synthesis and patterning of conducting materials using soft oxometalates in thermo-optical tweezers
  18. Direct Observation of the Formation Pathway of [Mo132] Keplerates
  19. ChemInform Abstract: Photo Redox Mediated Inexpensive One-Pot Synthesis of 1,4-Diphenyl Substituted Butane-1,4-dione from Styrene Using Polyoxometalate as a Catalyst.
  20. Epoxidation of Alkenes on Soft Oxometalate (SOM) based Trails Patterned by using Laser of Optical Tweezers set up
  21. Photo Redox Mediated Inexpensive One-Pot Synthesis of 1,4-Diphenyl Substituted Butane-1,4-Dione from Styrene using Polyoxometalate as a Catalyst
  22. Autonomous movement induced in chemically powered active soft-oxometalates using dithionite as fuel
  23. Enhancement of photochemical heterogeneous water oxidation by a manganese based soft oxometalate immobilized on a graphene oxide matrix
  24. Supramolecular polyelectrolyte complex (SPEC): pH dependent phase transition and exploitation of its carrier properties
  25. A copper based catalyst for poly-urethane synthesis from discarded motherboard
  26. A newly designed softoxometalate [BMIm]2[DMIm][α-PW12O40]@hydrocalumite that controls the chain length of polyacrylic acid in the presence of light
  27. Autonomous movement in mixed metal based soft-oxometalates induced by CO2evolution and topological effects on their propulsion
  28. Introduction for the Emergent Polyoxometalates and Soft-oxometalates thematic issue
  29. Photochemical reduction of carbon dioxide coupled with water oxidation using various soft-oxometalate (SOM) based catalytic systems
  30. Soft-matter led hardening of concrete: enhancement of compressive and thermal strength of concrete by polymers and nanoparticles
  31. Back Cover: Direct Synthesis of Controlled-Size Nanospheres inside Nanocavities of Self-Organized Photopolymerizing Soft Oxometalates [PW12O40]n(n=1100-7500) (Chem. Asian J. 9/2015)
  32. Interesting physics and applications using microbubbles in thermo-optic tweezers
  33. Direct Synthesis of Controlled-Size Nanospheres inside Nanocavities of Self-Organized Photopolymerizing Soft Oxometalates [PW12O40]n(n=1100-7500)
  34. Writing with lasers: a new technique of controlled lithography using thermooptically manipulated microbubbles
  35. Competitive Self-Assembly Manifests Supramolecular Darwinism in Soft-Oxometalates
  36. Site specific supramolecular heterogeneous catalysis by optically patterned soft oxometalate–porous organic framework (SOM–POF) hybrid on a chip
  37. Enhanced recognition of a nitrogen containing organic compound by adjusting the acidity of the porous organic frameworks base (JUC-Z2)
  38. ChemInform Abstract: Photoinduced Topological Transformation in Mesoscopic Inorganic Nanoparticles: Application as a UV Sensor.
  39. Spontaneous revolution of micro-swimmers in a spherically aberrated optical trap
  40. Manifestations of geometric phase and enhanced spin Hall shifts in an optical trap
  41. Photoinduced Topological Transformation in Mesoscopic Inorganic Nanoparticles: Application as a UV Sensor
  45. Micropore engineering of carbonized porous aromatic framework (PAF-1) for supercapacitors application
  46. Soft-oxometalates (SOMs): When metal oxides are charged and soft (liquid) at room temperature.
  47. One step, microwave assisted green synthesis of biocompatible carbon quantum dots and their composites with [α−PW12O403−] for visible light photocatalysis
  48. Self-Assembly of Mesoscopic Materials To Form Controlled and Continuous Patterns by Thermo-Optically Manipulated Laser Induced Microbubbles
  49. Visual influence of shapes and semantic familiarity on human sweet sensitivity
  50. Controlled transportation of mesoscopic particles by enhanced spin-orbit interaction of light in an optical trap
  51. Synthesis and properties of a novel quarternerized imidazolium [α-PW12O40]3− salt as a recoverable photo-polymerization catalyst
  52. Eight novel metal diphosphonates based on 2-(4-pyridinyl)-1-hydroxyl-1,1-ethylidenediphosphonate: syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties
  53. Controlled and Fast Patterning Using Self-assembly of Mesoscopic Materials Mediated by Micro-bubbles Under Optical Tweezers
  54. 4,4′-Bipyridine phosphotungtic salt: A recoverable versatile photo-polymerization catalyst
  55. Sheet-like assemblies of spherical particles with point-symmetrical patches
  56. ChemInform Abstract: “Soft Oxometalates” (SOMs): A Very Short Introduction
  57. Zinc and cadmium 2-pyrazinephosphonates: Syntheses, structures and luminescent properties
  58. Supramolecular thermo aero-able gelators (STAGs) for synthesis of hydrogels
  59. The doping effect on the crystal structure and electrochemical properties of LiMnxM1−xPO4 (M=Mg, V, Fe, Co, Gd)
  61. General synthesis and morphology control of LiMnPO4 nanocrystals via microwave-hydrothermal route
  62. Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Performances of Proton-Substituted Li2MnO3 and the Nanocomposites Treated by LiMnO2
  63. Direct Evidence on the Existence of [Mo132] Keplerate-Type Species in Aqueous Solution
  64. Extended Structure Design with Simple Molybdenum Oxide Building Blocks and Urea As a Directing Agent
  65. Directed Synthesis of Stable Large Polyoxomolybdate Spheres
  66. Synthesis and characterization of {Mo72Fe30}-coated large hexagonal gibbsite γ-Al(OH)3 platelets
  67. Direct Evidence on the Existence of [Mo132] Keplerate-Type Species in Aqueous Solution†
  68. Charge Regulation as a Stabilization Mechanism for Shell-Like Assemblies of Polyoxometalates
  69. Spontaneous Formation of Micrometer-Size Inorganic Peapods
  70. Synthesis and Characterization of Large Surface Hexagonal Polyoxometalate Platelets
  71. Linking Giant Molybdenum Oxide Base Nano-Objects Base on Well-Defined Surfaces in Different Phases
  72. Linking Giant Molybdenum Oxide Based Nano-Objects Based on Well-Defined Surfaces in Different Phases
  73. Multifunctional metal oxide based nanoobjects: spherical porous capsules/artificial cells and wheel-shaped species with unprecedented materials properties
  74. Trapping Cations in Specific Positions in Tuneable“Artificial Cell” Channels: New Nanochemistry Perspectives
  75. Trapping Cations in Specific Positions in Tuneable“Artificial Cell” Channels: New Nanochemistry Perspectives
  76. Metal-oxide based nanoobjects: reactivity, building blocks for polymeric structures and structural variety
  77. Changeable Pore Sizes Allowing Effective and Specific Recognition by a Molybdenum-Oxide Based “Nanosponge”: En Route to Sphere-Surface and Nanoporous-Cluster Chemistry
  78. Cover Picture: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 19/2002
  79. Titelbild: Angew. Chem. 19/2002
  80. Urea as ‘deus ex machina’ in giant molybdenum blue type cluster synthesis: an unusual hybrid compound with perspectives for related nano, supramolecular and extended structures