The genome sequence of the entomopathogenic bacterium Photorhabdus luminescens
Eric Duchaud, Christophe Rusniok, Lionel Frangeul, Carmen Buchrieser, Alain Givaudan, Séad Taourit, Stéphanie Bocs, Caroline Boursaux-Eude, Michael Chandler, Jean-François Charles, Elie Dassa, Richard Derose, Sylviane Derzelle, Georges Freyssinet, Sophie Gaudriault, Claudine Médigue, Anne Lanois, Kerrie Powell, Patricia Siguier, Rachel Vincent, Vincent Wingate, Mohamed Zouine, Philippe Glaser, Noël Boemare, Antoine Danchin, Frank Kunst
Nature Biotechnology, October 2003, Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1038/nbt886