What is it about?

Most research on sex and spinal cord injury (SCI) focuses on barriers to sexual expression and what people with SCI can't do. This study, however focuses on the positive sexual experience of people with SCI. To do this we analysed 38 previous studies extracting the positive aspects only. We broke these findings down into new themes, and merged them into key factors. We found four key factors that support positive sexuality for people with SCI: (1) staying sexually active, (2) exploring new ways of sexual expression, (3) having a good relationship with a partner, and (4) receiving support from peers. Considering all 38 studies together with a positive lens led us to identify two broader ideas about the positive sexual journey after a spinal cord injury. These were that people redefined what sexuality means and formed new sexual identities.

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Why is it important?

It is important to see past barriers to sexuality and to be able to identify strategies and opportunities for people who become disabled. The study emphasizes the importance of focusing on these positive factors in sexual rehabilitation for people with SCI, and for all sexual beings with or without disabilities.


I think this article has such a real-world impact! Sexuality is so important to people's livelihoods – but often the view of sexuality post-SCI is negative. Knowing what works for others can help people who are re-discovering sexuality post-SCI. My hope is that this paper will help change how the world sees sexuality post-SCI.

Roxanna Nasseri Pebdani
University of Sydney

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Sex-positive sexuality post-spinal cord injury: A systematic review and qualitative metasynthesis., Rehabilitation Psychology, July 2024, American Psychological Association (APA),
DOI: 10.1037/rep0000573.
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