All Stories

  1. Synthesising sex-positive qualitative research findings about sex for people with spinal cord injury
  2. Factors influencing speech pathology practice in dysphagia after stroke: A qualitative focus group study
  3. Multiple emergency department encounters for acute musculoskeletal presentation with an existing mental health diagnosis
  4. “Teaching somebody else makes you a better person:” A phenomenological exploration of the importance of informal peer support for individuals with spinal cord injury
  5. “One of the biggest grey areas”: A focus group study exploring dosage of swallowing exercises from speech-language pathologist perspectives
  6. A call to action for disability and rehabilitation research using a DisCrit and Disability Justice framework
  7. Intersectionality in CACREP-Accredited Rehabilitation Counselor Education: An Analysis of Multicultural Counseling Course Syllabi
  8. Rethinking device abandonment: a capability approach focused model
  9. Pandemic productivity in academia: using ecological momentary assessment to explore the impact of COVID-19 on research productivity
  10. Pandemic Productivity in Academia: Using Ecological Momentary Assessment to explore the impact of COVID-19 on research productivity
  11. Telehealth Assessment in Rehabilitation Counseling During the COVID-19 Pandemic
  12. Dance for Chronic Pain Conditions: A Systematic Review
  13. “It Helps Me With Everything”: A Qualitative Study of the Importance of Exercise for Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury
  14. An Analysis of the Attitudes of the General Public Towards the Sexuality of Individuals with Disabilities Through a Systematic Literature Review
  15. The Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People with Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review
  16. Electromyography-Driven Exergaming in Wheelchairs on a Mobile Platform: Bench and Pilot Testing of the WOW-Mobile Fitness System
  17. The Effect of Exercise on Sexual Satisfaction and Sexual Interest for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
  18. Cloud-based Multiplayer Exergaming: Developing a platform for social interaction as a motivational tool for exercising in the wheelchair community
  19. Validation of the Knowledge, Comfort, Approach, and Attitudes Towards Sexuality Scale for Use with Rehabilitation Counseling Students: An Exploratory Factor Analysis
  20. Changing How We Approach Multicultural Counselor Education: Using Intersectionality, Power, Privilege, and Oppression to Frame Lived Experiences
  21. Electromyography-Driven Exergaming in Wheelchairs on a Mobile Platform: Bench and Pilot Testing of the WOW-Mobile Fitness System (Preprint)
  22. Alternative Educational Approach to Wheelchair Accessibility Awareness
  23. Examining Gender Differences in Rehabilitation Counseling Publication: 1990–2015
  24. Wheelchair Exercise Monitor Development Platform
  25. Attitudes of Group Home Employees Towards the Sexuality of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
  26. Examining the Status of Supervision Education in Rehabilitation Counsellor Training
  27. Factors Related to Early Termination From Work for Youth With Disabilities
  28. Rehabilitation Counseling Students Report on Training and Sexuality
  29. Experiences and Perspectives of Pregnancy in Women with Multiple Sclerosis
  30. What Do Healthcare Providers Advise Women with Multiple Sclerosis Regarding Pregnancy?
  31. Personal Experiences of Pregnancy and Fertility in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
  32. Rehabilitation Counselor Knowledge, Comfort, Approach, and Attitude Toward Sex and Disability