What is it about?

Euthanasia has been legalized in several countries and there is a lot of controversy. Psychological science should make a significant contribution to understanding how polarising positions may be taken in such debates. However, little has been written about it. We believe that there are no solutions that will meet everyone's wishes or needs. It is fundamental to leave aside a polarised approach and try to understand in a clear and honest way what the consequences of having either legalised eutanásia or its prohibition, in the context of a psychological understanding.

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Why is it important?

Psychology play's na very important role in decision making. Accepting euthanasia is all about understanding if people's decisions are in line with their best interest. The field of psychology is enourmous in this way.


This is our perspetive about euthanasia and about the way people should think about it. Most people are biased for their prior opinion and try to find arguments to support their ideas.

Miguel Ricou

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: The Psychology of Euthanasia, European Psychologist, July 2019, Hogrefe Publishing Group,
DOI: 10.1027/1016-9040/a000331.
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