All Stories

  1. Gestação de Substituição em Portugal: Orientações para a prática clínica
  2. Parental perspectives on Children's lifestyles: A Path for school health promotion
  3. The stigma towards mental illness: Portuguese validation of the Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Healthcare Providers (OMS-HC)
  4. Understanding the Assessment of the Will to Die and Its Link With Hastened Death Requests
  5. European Association of Urology Guidelines on Penile Size Abnormalities and Dysmorphophobia: Summary of the 2023 Guidelines
  6. Trends in trust of professional groups in Portugal during COVID-19
  7. Conscientious Objection and Other Motivations for Refusal to Treat in Hastened Death: A Systematic Review
  8. Effect of psychology consultation on subsequent general practitioner doctor consultations
  9. Principios éticos en psicoterapia dentro de un amplio marco deontológico psicológico y médico: una comparación internacional
  10. Psychedelic treatments for mental health conditions pose challenges for informed consent
  11. Perceptions of Portuguese Doctors Regarding Hastened Death Scenarios: A Cross-Sectional Study
  12. Informed consent in anesthesiology: An exploratory study
  13. Trends in hastened death decision criteria: A review of official reports
  14. Misthanasia: the story of a pandemic in the United Kingdom
  15. The goal of psychological intervention and performed functions of psychologists as an aspect of the professional identity of psychologists: Latvian sample
  16. COVID-19 Pandemic: Effect on Confidence Levels of Portuguese Towards People of Different Professions
  17. Bioethics Education on Medical Students: Opinions About Ethical Dilemmas
  18. Views of Psychologists About Their Role in Hastened Death
  19. Política de Saúde Pública Brasileira Admite Mistanásia: Durante a pandemia COVID-19, a morte se revela
  20. Presumed Consent for Organ Donation: An Incoherent Justification
  21. Advances in Psychology Research. Volume 146
  22. Burnout among Portuguese healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
  23. Spiritual Beliefs and Hastened Death: A Study on Medical Students
  24. Eliminação de dados de saúde
  25. Consentimento Informado na Investigação Clínica em Portugal: Promoção de Boas Práticas
  26. The role of psychologists in requests to hasten death: A literature and legislation review and an agenda for future research
  27. Decision Making and Ethical Reasoning in Psychology
  28. Wish to Die: Suicide and Its Link to Euthanasia
  29. Psychological intervention at a primary health care center: predictors of success
  30. Determinantes na opinião sobre eutanásia em amostra de médicos portugueses
  31. The role of Psychology in euthanasia
  32. Definição do Conceito de Morte Antecipada em Português
  33. The Ethical Principles of the Portuguese Psychologists
  34. what's happen about surrogacy
  35. The Identity of Psychology
  36. Identidade da psicologia: Revisão sistemática de uma década de literatura
  37. The benzodiazepines use and psychological intervention in a Porto health center
  39. Ethical Principles of Portuguese Psychologists
  40. Women and men’s psychological adjustment after abortion: a six months prospective pilot study
  41. The Urgency of an Ethics Code of Conduct for Portuguese Psychologists
  42. Ethical decision-making training goes virtual