Antibacterial Optimization of 4-Aminothiazolyl Analogues of the Natural Product GE2270 A: Identification of the Cycloalkylcarboxylic Acids
Matthew J. LaMarche, Jennifer A. Leeds, Kerri Amaral, Jason T. Brewer, Simon M. Bushell, Janetta M. Dewhurst, JoAnne Dzink-Fox, Eric Gangl, Julie Goldovitz, Akash Jain, Steve Mullin, Georg Neckermann, Colin Osborne, Deborah Palestrant, Michael A. Patane, Elin M. Rann, Meena Sachdeva, Jian Shao, Stacey Tiamfook, Lewis Whitehead, Donghui Yu
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, December 2011, American Chemical Society (ACS)
DOI: 10.1021/jm200938f