What is it about?

This is a review of those screening tests for mild cognitive impairment and dementia that may benefit from a qualitative approach (analysis of respondents´answers, type of errors, etc.), that is, going beyond the total test scores. This may add significant information about the underlying cognitive processes and facilitate subsequent diagnosis of MCI and dementia.

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Why is it important?

We review main cognitive tasks included in most widely used screening tests for MCI and dementia and provide hints on how to modify the scoring and interpretation of these tasks from a more qualitative, process-oriented approach, regardless of the concrete test you use for screening. This may help to understand how different people may have the same score in a test for very different reasons.


Perfoming this work with Dr. Burke and Dr. Blanco-Campal was a real pleasure and actually the starting point of re-spreading the usefulness of a process-based approach and rescuing Luria and Kaplan's work for a new generation of psychologists and neuropsychologists.

Dublin City University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Rapid review of cognitive screening instruments in MCI: proposal for a process-based approach modification of overlapping tasks in select widely used instruments, International Psychogeriatrics, November 2017, Cambridge University Press,
DOI: 10.1017/s1041610217002253.
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