All Stories

  1. Shaping technologies for older adults with and without dementia: Reflections on ethics and preferences
  2. Features and psychometric properties of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment: Review and proposal of a process-based approach version (MoCA-PA)
  3. Health Related Quality of Life and Cognitive Decline in Older Populations: Preliminary Results From NeuroDemeNPsia Study
  4. Health Related Quality of Life in Individuals with Cognitive Decline and Discrepancies between Patients and their Proxies
  5. Extending Exergame-Based Physical Activity for Older Adults: The e-Coaching Approach for Increased Adherence
  6. Psychology, Technological Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
  7. Virtual Reality-based Assessment and Rating Scales in ADHD Diagnosis
  8. Adapting the Research Development and Innovation (RD & I) Value Chain in Psychology to Educational Psychology Area
  9. Inclusion of service robots in the daily lives of frail older users: A step-by-step definition procedure on users' requirements
  10. Relationship Between Personality Traits, Generativity, and Life Satisfaction in Individuals Attending University Programs for Seniors
  11. Screening tests, beyond the total test scores
  12. Older people’s perceptions and experiences of a digital learning game
  13. Virtual Reality for Neuropsychological Assessment
  14. AULA virtual reality test as an attention measure: Convergent validity with Conners’ Continuous Performance Test
  15. Role of cognitive and functional performance in the interactions between elderly people with cognitive decline and an avatar on TV
  16. AsTeRICS: a new flexible solution for people with motor disabilities in upper limbs and its implication for rehabilitation procedures
  17. AULA—Advanced Virtual Reality Tool for the Assessment of Attention
  18. Ethical Implications of Technologies That “Support” Ageing with Dementia at Home
  19. “Isla Calma”, a Novel Virtual Reality Environment for Pain and Anxiety Distraction: Report on Usability, Acceptability, and Subjective Experience
  20. The design of a digital learning game for seniors
  21. What Is the Key for Older People to Show Interest in Playing Digital Learning Games? Initial Qualitative Findings from the LEAGE Project on a Multicultural European Sample
  22. Addressing Accessibility Challenges of People with Motor Disabilities by Means of AsTeRICS: A Step by Step Definition of Technical Requirements
  23. AsTeRICS, a Flexible Assistive Technology Construction Set
  24. Providing universally accessible interactive services through TV sets: implementation and validation with elderly users
  25. TV as a human interface for Ambient Intelligence environments
  26. Evaluación breve del estado cognitivo de la demencia en estadios avanzados: resultados preliminares de la validación española del Severe Mini-Mental State Examination
  27. A TV platform to improve older people's quality of life
  28. Can cognitive and functional measures explain interactions between elderly people with different levels of cognitive decline and an avatar on TV?
  29. The use of bilingualism and occupational complexity measures as proxies for cognitive reserve: Results from a community-dwelling elderly population in the North of Spain
  30. Universally accessible Task-based user interfaces
  31. Reserva cognitiva: evidencias, limitaciones y líneas de investigación futura
  32. A new tourist audio guide service for elderly people integrated in the mobile phone
  33. Role of memory span and speed decline in several language measures in healthy elderly people and Alzheimer's disease
  34. Efficacy of Cognitive Training Experiences in the Elderly: Can Technology Help?
  35. Preferences of Healthcare Staff in the Way of Interacting with Robots Depending on Their Prior Knowledge of ICTs: Findings from Iward Project
  36. Rehabilitation Gaming
  37. Rehabilitation Gaming
  38. Meeting the Needs of Diverse User Groups
  39. Serious Games and Gamified Tools for Psychological Intervention
  40. Serious Games and Gamified Tools for Psychological Intervention
  41. Cognitive Fitness, Assessment, and Cognitive Rehabilitation of Older Population