What is it about?

The stories that people requesting asylum present must be credible to the evaluation committee. However, lack of familiarity with cultural differences in narration and the impact of trauma can lead to misinterpretations and disqualification of legitimate claims.

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Why is it important?

Fair adjudication of refugee claims is essential to protect human rights. The assumptions about narratives that underlie the refugee assessment process can teach us much about the role of illness and trauma narratives in everyday life. Modes of narration also affect the individuals coping and adaptation to trauma and forced migration.


Understanding and addressing the biases and assumptions in the refugee assessment process can help receiving countries improve their response to the current humanitarian emergency.

Laurence Kirmayer
McGill University

Read the Original

This page is a summary of: Failures of Imagination: The Refugee's Predicament, Cambridge University Press,
DOI: 10.1017/cbo9780511500008.023.
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